Charlie Lin

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As a news program would say: Wilkommen zu Tagesschau. Heut in Studio, insert anchor here.


With close to 2 years of experience contributing to prominent open-source projects and development on Linux and Windows, my experience will help you modernize your aging codebase, whether that may be upgrading to newer versions of C++ (and thus incorporate useful conveniences), or fixing system-related issues on Linux and Windows. Rates are tailorable to your specific needs: contact here.

Also, I have prior experience assisting clients with the purchase of one commerical property and a few residential ones all across Central Florida and the Tampa metropolitan area, just in the past year alone. If you need assistance in relocation or setting up shop anywhere in Florida, I am also a certified realtor. See my above email address, or my real estate company.

Miscellaneous certifications

Because of limited space to squeeze my resume into a single page, certifications that I deem secondary in terms of importance will be listed here.

ACM club (outdated)

Magic: the Gathering

A gem from the 26th IOCCC (see here):

static int e,n,j,o,y;int main(){for(++o;(n=-~getchar());e+=11==n,y++)o=n>0xe^012>n&&'`'^n^65?!n:!o?++j:o;printf("%8d%8d%8d\n",e^n,j+=!o&&y,y);}

Formatted for readability:

#include <stdio.h>
static int e, n, j, o, y;
int main() {
    for (++o; (n = -~getchar()); ((e += (11 == n)), y++))
        o = ((n > 0xe) ^ (012 > n)) && ('`' ^ n ^ 65)
            ? (!n)
            : (!o ? (++j) : o);
    printf("%8d%8d%8d\n", e^n, j += (!o && y), y);

This is an implementation of wc. To explain:

  1. While n is not a EOF, it reads stdin. Note that input is limited to 99,999,999 bytes, and assumes ASCII encoding.
  2. In the loop, it sets o if: a. n is not between 0xA and 0xE. If true, set to 0. Otherwise, check if o equals 0. If true, increments j, otherwise do nothing.
  3. Outputs the number of newlines (e OR n), number of words (j = j + ((o == 0) AND y)), and number of bytes (y).